Major PeeWees Win Last 3 League Games, News, Major PeeWee, 2010-11 (Huron Perth Lakers)


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Oct 19, 2010 | Lvandenheuvel | 1306 views
Major PeeWees Win Last 3 League Games
The Lakers Major PeeWees managed to push their league record to 7 wins and 2 losses with wins over Sun County, Cambridge and Kitchener.

On October 10th, Sun County showed up at the MRC to do battle but the Lakers would not allow many scoring opportunities for the Panthers and sent them home with a 3-1 loss.

This past weekend the Lakers would face Cambridge on Laker Day at the MRC and the game would turn out to be much closer than the 5-1 final score would indicate. Tristan Lewis would make several outstanding saves before the Lakers would eventually pull away from the Hawks in the 3rd period.

Injured goaltender Wyatt Nicholson would return for his 1st start in weeks facing Kitchener. First year Laker, Jarrett Bogdon would have a sensational day by scoring a hat trick to the delight of his teammates. The Lakers would play a disciplined game and come away with the 6-3 win.

Next up for the Major PeeWees are the Hamilton Reps on Saturday at the Stratford Rotary Complex followed up by the Elgin Middlesex Chiefs on Sunday in Strathroy.