Minor Peewees Finish Regular Season with Loss and Tie, News, Minor PeeWee, 2013-2014 (Huron Perth Lakers)


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Feb 14, 2014 | ngaylor | 1229 views
Minor Peewees Finish Regular Season with Loss and Tie
Written by Ron Pryce

Unfortunately the last few games for the Minor Peewees in their regular season did not go well for the boys keeping them out of the fight for 4th place.  There were however, a few great highlights to report in a  crazy match up against the 1st place Brantford squad.  The game saw the Lakers lose 11 - 9  with goals to  Tyler Hotson (4) with 2 assists,  Zac McCann (1) with 4 assists, Sheldon Pryce (1) with 3 assists, Mason Weber (1) with 2 assists, Kaden Hoggarth, Kayden Schooley, Blake Wideman, Tate Gaylor  and Connor Aarts all grabbing assists, and Jack Robinson jumping into the rush to score his 1st goal of the season.

The last game of the season against Cambridge would result in a 4 – 4 tie, in a game that would not change the standings. The Lakers were trailing 4 – 1  on a goal by Hotson.  Then on the power play Pryce would find McCann in front who would score to get within 2.  Then shorthanded  Blake Boreham with a hard forecheck would gain control of the puck and pass to Pryce out front who buried the shot to make the game 4 -3. On the power play once again, Hotson to McCann  then to Pryce who scored to tie the game at 4 with only a couple of minutes remaining .  Great comeback! The Minor Peewees will now play off against the Kitchener Rangers  in the Alliance Playoffs.