Mar 30, 2008 | cmetzger | 1462 views
Mich Landry to Coach the '95 Minor Bantams for the 2008-09 Season
The Huron-Perth Lakers are pleased to announce that Mich Landry is the Head Coach for the '95 Minor Bantams in 2008-09.
Mich is very familiar with this age group as he was an Assistant Coach for them for both their Minor Atom and Major Atom Lakers seasons. Mich has a good playing background and several years coaching experience, both as a Head Coach and Assistant Coach, in the Wallace Minor Hockey and Lakers organizations.
Mich sees the primary role of a head coach as that of teacher and leader. Fundamental skill development, an adherance to strong mental and team play are his top teaching priorities. He has identified communication, planning, and preparation as key success factors in leading a hockey team. He is committed to communicating and demonstrating a road map for players to follow and then priming each player with the tools necessary to achieve both individual and team success.
A student of the game, Mich's coaching experience has been derived from observing and being mentored by other coaches during both his playing and coaching careers. Mich's core values of strong work ethic, empowerment, fairness and respect will serve him well as he strives to provide a rewarding experience of learning, personal development and outstanding team achievement.