Mar 22, 2019 | jtenhag | 2338 views
Body Checking Clinic
Per OHF policy, all players and goaltenders entering Minor Bantam AAA must complete one Body Checking Clinic
prior to spring tryouts.
We will be running a Spring Body Checking Clinic in preparation for tryouts. Two sessions are available. The clinics will be hosted by Stratford Minor Hockey and the Huron Perth Lakers. Each clinic consists of a Classroom Segment and an On-Ice Segment. ALL 2006 players and goaltenders must participate in a clinic in order to be eligible to tryout this spring.
Clinic 1: Tuesday, March 19th, 2019 (Classroom 6:00-8:00pm/On-Ice 8:00-9:45pm)
Clinic 2: Tuesday, March 26th, 2019 (Classroom 6:00-8:00pm/On-Ice 8:00-9:45pm)
Both the Classroom and On-Ice Segments of the clinic will be held at the Rotary Complex. The Classroom segment will be held in the Mansbridge Room and the on-ice will take place on the Molson ice pad. Players must sign in at registration desk upon arrival.
Per OHF, players AND goaltenders must attend; full equipment must be worn during the on-ice segment.
Registration will be capped at 35 per session — so please register early.
The LINK to register for the clinic is: Spring Body Checking Clinic 2019
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Jess Traynor ([email protected]) or Brent Powers ([email protected])