Dec 20, 2007 | Goetz | 1614 views
Dear Santa
Dear Santa,
I have been good this year. I have listened to my parents, been supportive and encouraging with my teammates and friends, and have worked diligently on my studies and sports. All I want for Christmas is...
- The STRENGTH to be a leader, not a follower. To stand up for what's right and to speak against what is wrong. To be able to identify and do the right thing, not necessarily the popular thing.
- The INSIGHT to know that my actions and interactions define who I am and how I am seen. I know we all have an idea in our head of who we are but do our actions reflect how we see ourselves and how we would like to be seen?
- The BALANCE to be able to invest the time necessary to be successful in my studies and my sports while still scheduling time for friends and family.
- The UNDERSTANDING that I will face adversity and how I respond to it will define who I become. A positive attitude and unbeatable work ethic will ensure I am doing all that I can to climb over my obstacles.
- The COMPASSION to be supportive of teammates, family and friends when they are down or going through a rough period.
- The DILIGENCE to be able to continue with my plan to reach my goals, and ultimately my dreams.
- The REFLECTIVENESS to constantly self evaluate my performance, interactions and actions, and to take steps toward self improvement every shift, every conversation and every interaction.
- The COMPOSURE to be in control of my emotions regardless of what is thrown at me. I want to remain composed regardless of the situation since that is true strength of character.
- The INTENSITY that is required to excel in my sport as that indicates my commitment to my goals and dreams.
- The FOCUS that will be required for me to excel in my life pursuits. I recognize that if I do all that I do with maximum focus, I will maximize the benefits and my personal development.
- The APPRECIATION that not everything is in my control. I need to focus on the things within my sphere of control and not worry about the things outside my sphere of control.
- The CONFIDENCE to know that I am capable of achieving my dreams and goals regardless of who tells me I can't.
- The INTELLIGENCE for me to know what I have to do to realize my dreams and to be able to put an effective plan in place to get there.
- The FORTITUDE to be able to put aside those short term temptations and continue with my plan to realize my dreams.
- To CARE AND LOVE and be be able to extend it and welcome it and know that it is unconditional and makes me stronger.
- The PASSION to never become complacent and never to settle for just enough. To always strive for as much as I can give. To not let my opponent determine my level of performance. To be internally driven to maximize my growth.
Santa, I understand that I ask for a lot, but I don't ask it just for me. My parents and siblings give so much for me to pursue my dreams. My dreams take up a tremendous amount of my family's resources and I always want to show my family and team how much I appreciate them. These tools are better than any material gift I could ever get as I can use them forever... However if you still had room in your sled, a new pair of Vapour XXXX's and a new WARRIOR KRONIK sure would be nice! Thanks Santa.
Sincerely Yours,
A Hardworking Lakers Player