Apr 15, 2013 | mthibeault | 2450 views
Welcome to the 18th Annual HPL Hockey Spring Selection Camp!
The Huron Perth Lakers are excited to present our 2013 AAA Selection Camp to all competitive hockey players within our zone. Over the next 2 weeks nearly 300 kids will be trying to earn their spot on a team that represents Huron Perth AAA Hockey.
Please remember to.......
Bring your printed and signed Permission to Skate forms to your first Try Out.
Try Out fees may be paid in cash or cheque.
Be sure to down load and read our Try Out Information Package to learn more about our Try Out process and our Program.
Be sure to visit the team webpage your trying out for and make sure you take the time to read your Head Coach Philosphy to ensure you understand the expectations of the the coach you may be playing for.
The Huron Perth Organization wishes only success for all those participating in our Selection Camps this spring. Good luck to all!