May 02, 2018 | webmaster | 1473 views
HPL Annual General Meeting
The Lakers Annual General meeting will held on Wednesday, May 16th at 7:00 in the Tim Taylor Lounge at the Stratford Rotary Complex.
Nominations will be accepted at the AGM for the following vacant positions:
Alliance Hockey Representative
Director of Special Events
Nominations have been received and are closed for the following positions:
President: Pete Young
Director of Midget Hockey: Nick Parr
Stratford Sports Council Representative: Sean Slattery
Registrar: Terri Glutzen
Director of Risk Management: Glen Childerly
Communication Director: Jill Tenhag
In addition to this the following amendments to the Constitution are being proposed and will be voted on at the AGM
ARTICLE 8 Executive Committee
Remove b) Vice President. Position will read Alliance Representative
ARTICLE 9.3 Eligibility for Board Positions:
Amend 9.3 c) Vice Presidents shall be elected by the board of directors from among their number at the first meeting of the board after the annual election of such board of directors. Candidates for Vice President shall have served on the Board of Directors of the Corporation in at least one (1) of the immediately preceding two (2) years.
Add: 9.3 e) Any member holding the position of Coach for a Huron Perth Lakers team is not entitled to hold a position on the Board of Director during the same season.
ARTICLE 12.1 b) Hockey Operations Committee: This Committee, consisting of the Director of Hockey Operations as Chair, President, Vice President/Alliance Rep, Director of Player/Coach Development: I. Shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors of the Corporation in regards to the Hockey Operations of the Corporation, II. Shall implement the Policies of the Corporations as set out in the Huron Perth Lakers Policy Handbook.