May 17, 2018 | Webmaster | 2722 views
Welcome your new Board of Directors for 2018-19
We are pleased to announce your new Board of Directors as elected at last nights Annual General Meeting.
President: Pete Young
Registrar: Terri Gulutzen
Treasurer: Leslie Parr
Secretary: Spring Robinson
Alliance Hockey Representative: Kevin McDougall
Director of Hockey Operations: Brent Powers
Director of Great Lakes Cup: Jim Hopper
Director of Communication: Jill TenHag
Director of Major Midget Hockey: Nick Parr
Director of Player and Coach Development: Jerry Wright
Director of Risk Management: Glen Childerly
Director of Special Events and Fundraising: Susan Binning
Stratford Minor Sports Council: Sean Slattery
Director at Large: Nicole Rogers
Jan Ballantyne will return as the Ice Convenor
Thank you very much to outgoing executive members Kelly Campbell, Julie Chessell, Ron Pryce, Mike Martin and Karen Gibb for all of your efforts on behalf of the Lakers.